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Copy of our press release regarding: Basic Power Granola

St. Amour, Inc 2971 Grace Lane - Costa Mesa - Ca - 926263/1/2016 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Susan or Daniel Nicolas 714-754-1900 or 949-933-0800 St Amour, Inc. Delivers on Taste and Health Benefits with its new line of sugar free, gluten free and nut free BASIC POWER GRANOLAAlways extremely observant of people with certain dietary requirements' needs, St Amour seeks out niches in the Natural Foods scene and it found one.We came out with a Granola line. 2 SKUs, under the brand name BASIC POWER GRANOLA. Why POWER ? Because we've added to this sugar free and gluten free granola a variety of seeds which are rich in protein, complex carbohydrates and are alkaline forming. In addition we've added...

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This is how we started our business

WHO WE ARE IN 5 SHORT SENTENCESSusan and I favorite sport is to eat. As such, we try to make products people would enjoy as we do. We are health conscious for ourselves, our employees who have become great at what they do and care about others' health too. We see our company as a 'family of brands' as each one of our lines of products is its own mini brand so to speak. Our Company name is St Amour, Inc. but use the easier name to remember for our web presence as www.FrenchCookies.ComHOW IT BEGAN IN A NUTSHELL22 years ago, Susan and I flew to France on a free round trip ticket from Pan American. When we got to...

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A quick heartwarming e mail to us

Feb 04, 2016  Hi Daniel and Susan -We’re addicted. It’s official! I’d love to place the standing order. 24 bags. 6 each of praline, cinnamon, almond and lemon. I’m PayPalling now! Thanks!. S.When you get such an e mail message, it warms up your heart and makes you feel like if you're doing something good. I only wish we had kept the thousands of e mails similar to this one that were sent to us over the years. Unfortunately, when a computer stopped working or got a blue screen, we did not know any better.... Well life continues and we keep on learning.

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Some testimonials about St Amour Teethers

Testimonials - St. Amour Teethers - Nothing like it !!! From a mother July 19, 2010 Hi Susan, We recently bought your teething biscuits at Whole Foods in L.A. while on vacation there.  The baby loved them. As for the adults, we were on a long car ride and when grandpa's GPS failed and there was no other edible matter around, we turned to the biscuits. Delicious! Much better than the biscotti we usually have. The only problem is that we can't locate the biscuits in South Florida Whole Foods and a search on Amazon says they are not currently available. Could you tell us where/how we can get them? The baby (and we) would be so happy. Thanks. Best,...

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