No we are not infected and hope that you are not either and if you are please recover ASAP. Thank you
Anyhow, Susan and I began the week end like so many other people.
Saturday: Got up, went to the kitchen, opened the fridge: HORROR!
The compressor had blowned up the day before and we had not noticed. All that Susan purchased for the lockdowwn was either melted or damaged. Now when something like that happens, what one should do? We ran to Home Depot waited in line for a good half an hour. We of course were looking for a spare freezer. No luck. All gone. Same scenario at Costco.
Back to the house, blood from the meats was dripping all over the place and the 5 pints of Spumone ice cream were turning their containers into mush. Of course, as I was trying to move these mushy containers, the whole melted content splashed all over the floor.
For Susan, that should have been the disater of the year but to my surprise, she took it semi lightly. She in fact saw it as a great opportunity to wash and desinfect the refrigerator (once more this month)
Sunday morning, as usual, we got up at 2:30 in the morning. I wished her a Happy Birthday, keeping my fingers crossed that we would not have another one of those events.
Susan decided to work on the paperwork and I decided to create a small website for our best selling item - our sugar free granola.
At lunch time she decided to begin cleaning the house and we kept at it for the next 4 hours.
An hour ago, I finished the website and now as I am writing to you, Susan is processing orders that came to us through Shopify.
It is 10:20pm now and I believe that this most fruitful and eventful week end will end around midnight.
Just a bunch of trivial information but it goes to show that no virus will stop people from cleaning their kitchen.
Keep safe and sound
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